Invitation To Quote

TRAVELODGE HOTELS ASIA(IP)PTE.LTD.” (“TLA”) is inviting agencies to submit proposals for the development and implementation of a customised Data Warehouse and integration of multiple Management Systems to manage End-to-End Workflow and Reporting Automation.

Interested agencies are to submit their proposals by 30th June 2023 before 5pm.

Please see below for the details of Scope of Work, Evaluation Criteria and Submission guidelines.

Brief Background of Travelodge Hotels Asia

TLA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SGX-listed ICP Ltd., is a hotel management and franchise company responsible for the development of hotels in Asia under the globally-recognised TRAVELODGE brand. “TLA” predominantly focuses on select service, midscale hotels in strategic locations in gateway cities and key travel destinations across Asia.

TLA’s hotel chain in Asia is currently operating in Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, Japan and Singapore, TLA has 17 operating hotels with the ambition of growing to 50 hotels by 2025 via multiple options including acquisition, lease, management, master franchise, franchise and joint ventures. TLA works closely with various hotel investment capital partners on core, core plus, value add and opportunistic type hotel acquisitions, ensuring every domestic and international travellers an essentially covered stay, wherever and whenever they are with us.

Current Workflow and Data Warehouse Issues

TLA currently uses Workday Adaptive Planning as Data Warehouse, SignNow for review workflow and Xero Invoicing. The process of data extraction, formatting to Workday and Xero templates, uploading to the various systems and spreadsheet data manipulation and computation is highly labour intensive and prone to human error. The laborious process has to be repeated for all hotels and is untenable to support TLA’s vision of scaling to 50 and 100 hotels.

Scope of Work

Input Data Sources

  • Integrate data from 3rd party Hotel PMS Property Mgmt
  • Integrate data from 3rd party Reservation System
  • Data source in CSV format
  • Coordinate with 3rd party System for CSV dump to local Secured FTP
  • Structured data
  • Data files are refreshed Daily as well as Monthly
  • Size of data per year per hotel < 20MB (total 17 hotels)
  • Actual input files will be provided subsequently
  • Sample Data :
  • Daily Reservation Forecast by Market Segment
  • Monthly Company/Agent Revenue Production
  • Monthly Company/Agent Revenue Production by Market
  • Daily Reservation History and Forecast by Date Range
  • Daily Revenue by Date Range
  • Daily/Monthly Reservation Made


  • Develop robust Extract, Transform and Load solutions
  • Apply necessary transformations
  • Load into appropriate Schema tables
  • Data validation
  • Processes to be automated, scheduled, and monitored to ensure seamless data integration
  • Implement rule-based data mining with predefined Keywords
  • Able to detect/skip certain CSV columns if CSV column format changes

Data Warehouse

  • Design a scalable and flexible Data Model aligned with business objectives
  • Databases – MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc
  • Schema design
  • Optimised data modelling
  • Dimension and Fact table
  • Allows for flexible querying and analysis
  • Data cleansing, validation, and quality checks
  • Error Handling Mechanism
  • 2 User Access control – SuperAdmin and Admin

System Reports

  • Able to generate and send Automated Daily and Monthly Reports
  • Admin able to manually generate ad-hoc Reports with filter selection
  • System to perform queries as needed to achieve output
  • System to have an interface to manually generate few reports with filters, e.g. date picker filtering
  • Actual output file samples will be provided subsequently

BI Visualisation

  • BI on Looker Studio (GDS)
  • Analyse input/output requirements and propose visualisations
  • Propose Corporate Dashboard with 10-15 charts
  • Propose Individual Hotel Dashboard with 10 charts
  • Hotel Dashboard to be applied across all 17 hotels
  • Allow at least 8 revisions to Dashboard
  • Integrate to Power BI as an optional BI tool
  • Automated Report Delivery
  • Data refresh

Custom Workflow

  • Develop custom TLA internal Review Workflow
  • Xero invoice of individual Hotel with other computation attachments to be automatically sent to TLA Review Team of 3 members
  • 3 member review sequence automation
  • Upon final review, digital signature to be printed on invoice
  • Upon final review, Workflow to trigger Invoice sending via Xero API
  • Workflow for all 17 hotels (scalable to 100 hotels)

Xero API Integration

  • Invoice sending triggered via API from Custom Workflow
  • Implement Custom Invoice Templates
  • Implement Custom Fields with computational logic
  • Invoice to display Multiple Currencies
  • Automate SOA Aging data extraction and display in email
  • Custom multiple attachments in Invoice email
  • Implement Invoice Tracking (if not available in Xero)
  • Custom Invoice and Attachments for each hotel
  • Xero to be integrated with Currency Exchange Service API

Currency Exchange Service API Integration

  • End of month and Ave month Rate needed
  • For Invoice, Reservation and Fees computation
  • Subscription to 3rd Party service
  • API Integration to Xero
  • API Integration to Data Warehouse


  • Propose hosting solution
  • Scalable to support 100 hotels data
  • UAT/Staging environment
  • Production environment
  • Backups


  • Perform Auto Local backup
  • Perform Auto off-site backup to OneDrive
  • Propose backup plan and schedule – storage maintenance, how many days for deletion, etc
  • Propose how many instances, schedule

Security VAPT

  • Perform a VAPT during staging
  • Perform a VAPT prior to launch
  • Resolve all validated vulnerabilities (minimally all critical/high vulnerabilities)
  • 2FA SMS OTP Login security feature
  • Remembered Devices Login feature (skip 2FA for 30 days)

Service Level Agreement

  • Urgent System Down
    • Initial Response – within 2hrs
    • Resolution – 24-48 hrs
    • Restore from Backup
  • Minor Updates – within 72 hours of submission
  • Phone and Email Support

Training and Support

  • Provide training and ongoing technical support
  • Scope for 12 months support
  • Documentation and User Manua

Evaluation and Submission

Evaluation Criteria

The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria :

  1. Compliance with the Specifications
  2. Robust Solution Design and Proposal
  3. Company Track Record and Experience
  4. Price Competitiveness
  5. Ability to deliver not only Data Warehouse but also integration with Financial systems and Workflow


Interested agencies are to submit the following items together with their proposals :

  1. Full cost breakdown, specifying one-time charge and recurring costs
  2. Project Milestones and Timelines
  3. Corresponding payment terms
  4. Profiles of the company and the project team
  5. List of past projects and clientele list
  6. Other value-added services

The proposals are to be submitted to : with email subject as “TLA ITQ Proposal”.

Proposals are to be submitted no later than 30th June 2023 5pm.

Terms & Conditions

  • Due to the nature of the ITQ, TLA may only be able to respond to shortlisted agencies
  • TLA reserves the right to accept or reject sections of the proposal when awarding the project to the successful agency
  • TLA reserves the right to change the scope of work specifications within reasonable limits
  • TLA reserves the right to the working files and source codes of the development upon full payment
  • TLA shall be under no obligation to accept the proposal with the lowest quote.
  • Agency is required to treat all information shared on this project with strict confidentiality.