Welcome to Travelodge Hotels Asia
As a Travelodge Loyalty Program member you’ll enjoy instant benefits from your first stay at any of our hotels in Asia, such as cashback credit earning, special discount, late check-out, and more comfort-enhancing perks and experiences.
Got You
We’re excellent at the essentials. We know you want a fuss-free stay, so we give you just what you need.
You’ll get a good night’s sleep on our comfy bed and a choice of pillows, a power shower and convenience food at the wee hours or late morning if you need it. Don’t worry about losing connectivity with your loved ones or favourite streams – we’ve got free high-speed WIFI and 24/7 support to keep you connected.
We’ll also help you navigate an unfamiliar city with information and insider tips to get you started. You can easily find any extras you need in and around our hotels.
Whether you’re here for work or play, don’t stress it – we’ve got you covered.
Plan your next getaway with us!